Technology Delivery for User Business Service Delivery (STATIC)

Business Service 
Build it once and use it repeatedly.  This design promotes the same set of rules each time a change will be made to anything in the flow of a user.  

The sequence predicts the type of changes and cleans the outputs by ensuring the access management control retains the final verification before presentation. 

I had the opportunity to listen to one of my favorite writer and thought leader in a number of subjects.  Obsessive-Compulsive Data Quality by Jim Harris and his guest speaker who was presented by the host as "a thought leader" and "industry expert" in a number of quality and MDM practices "Peter Perera".  

The radio show was titled "Redefining Data Quality" and the radio show itself contains the secret sauce behind my excitement. 

What anyone who listens can take away from this radio show; may prove to be your key to definitions of Master Data and the relationship with quality as either Real World or Fit for Purpose.  

The later being the most discussed in the industry over the past 10 years.  If you are part of the majority audience you are likely to keep your expectations and limit threats to unknowns impacts.  

Data Quality Definition
Fit for Purpose = Subjective Perception of Data or Information
Real World = Objective Reality of Information and Data

To put this component of the interview into the way I often speak of information use for the purpose of security or MDM, Governance and aspire to zero defects.  
  1. If I were to use a definition in an EFFECT diagram or Fishbone for the C-Level or Board of Directors, the diagram below translates the requirement
  2. Zero defects can be achieved and I prove it frequently or I wouldn't have survived this long in the industry.  
    1. Caveat-A change in the data after proving this to be true isn't a defect, its the accepted variance or exception as it matures to the rule.  
    2. Quality measures the change and adjust for the plan to introduce the new rule.  
      1. Continuous Improvement with the people, process and technology

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